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Reports and Initiatives

Our first major initiative in fall 2020 was to collect data about how the pandemic was affecting faculty work conditions and productivity. This is the executive summary of the survey findings.

We conducted a follow-up survey in Spring 2022 to better understand the long-term affects of the pandemic on faculty work conditions. This is the executive summary of the findings.

Summer 2021 statement affirming academic freedom and endorsing a statement by major academic professional organizations in light of efforts to curtail the faculty role in curricular decisions.

Spring 2021 Memo with proposals for recruitment and retention of faculty of color.

Summer 2021 Memo seeking clarity on the status of sustainability initiatives on campus after the elimination of the Center for Sustainable Development and the final year of the QEP

Summary report of a survey taken at the beginning of the fall 2021 semester in response to HVAC and other infrastructure problems on campus.

February 2022 Memo requesting clarity on the status of the Race, Equity, and Inclusion degree requirement as approved by the Faculty Senate in fall 2021.

Fall 2022 Memo seeking clarity on the future of the College Reads! program.

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